2010 Taipei Flora Expo 臺北花博‧天使生活館》天使影音劇場

June 4, 2011 · 0 comments

in green living

「影音劇場:體驗x 感動/ Experience & Move 失落中的記憶,高山生態之美,台灣海岸巡禮,台灣映象之旅! 延伸廊道進入夢幻的「影音劇場」,運用生態、地景、花卉及豐富台灣原生及栽培科技與海洋資源之高畫質影音內容,呈現福爾摩沙多元之美,為認識臺灣映象最佳的視聽場所,以身歷其境的表現方式與帶動觀光的概念結合各地的特色,從高山、湖泊到海洋。影片內容結合2D、3D、HD製作手法,於花博期間規劃每週播映「百花寶島」系列影片。」 goo.gl Pavilion of Angel Life “The Pavilion of Angel Life aims at incorporating art into daily life, and combining and conveying the spirit of art and life. The “full life” concept is luxuriously interpreted through food, clothing, shelter, travel, education, and entertainment. The latter two in particular are used to promote living aesthetics and green living, while the realization of digital technology becomes an expression of one’s hopes for a beautiful, fulfilling future. Continual development and green energy conservation concepts, meanwhile, are used to highlight carbon reduction and energy conservation themes found throughout the pavilion. The pavilion’s exhibition and performance areas are filled with delightful surprises. For example, the soaring architectural structure of the pavilion perfectly complements the entrance hall’s multi-layered spatial design, making it a perfect setting for an international sensory art exhibition or performance. The extended hallway ends in a giant theater where visitors can enjoy dynamic, high-resolution audiovisual content shot from

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