Our little organic urban(ish) garden

January 1, 2011 · 0 comments

in organic garden

urban organic gardening— Our little organic garden is the product of laziness and thrift. Being slothful and cheap is made possible by one of gardening’s little miracles – MULCH !!! A few inches of mulch keeps the water in the dirt and keeps the weeds there too. In other words less watering is required and you don’t have to weed as much. YEAH !! —————————————————————————————————- Then there’s compost… you can do it the easy, lazy way, like me, just throw all your NON-ANIMALfood scraps into a heap in the back yard. Add some dirt occasionally, and wait. OR you can do it properly, layering green stuff (kitchen scraps and lawn clippings) and brown stuff (dirt and fallen leaves or other dead vegetable matter). Turn it occasionally. Aerate and moisten it. If you do it properly you’ll get usable compost twice a year. Lazy me, doing nothing to accelerate nature’s slowly gradual decomposition process, gets usable compost every other year.

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