Card system for Tokyo’s train and subway (Suica and PASMO)

January 17, 2011 · 25 comments

in green transportation

1. People passing automatic ticket gates at subway station in Japan. 2. Passing a automatic ticket gate with a Suica card. 3. Buying beverage with a Suica card. 4. Boarding the Green Car(first-class car) with a Suica card. Suica and PASMO are electronic purse card used in Tokyo,Japan. These can be used for public transport system(trains, subways, buses, taxis), and in fast food shops, cafeterias, convenience stores, lockers, parking lots and beverage vending machines. Users touch their Suica or PASMO card over a card-reader, and the correct amount will be deducted automatically. It is a resembling system: Octopus(Hong Kong), T-money(Seoul), Oyster(London), Bilhete Unico(Sao Paulo), SPTC(Shanghai) and so on. 스이카(Suica) 및 파스모(PASMO)는, 서울의 티머니(T-money)나 홍콩 팔달통(Octopus)과 같은 교통용 카드. 도쿄에서 지하철이나 버스를 탈 때, 그리고 쇼핑을 할 때에 편리하다. 그리고, JR동일본의 일반 그린샤(특실차)에서는, 스이카를 활용한 “그린샤 스이카 시스템”이 도입되고 있다. Suica・PASMOは、ソウルのT-moneyや香港の八達通(Octopus)と同様の交通用カード。 東京で地下鉄やバスに乗るとき、買い物をするときに役立つ。 そして、JR東日本の普通グリーン車では、Suicaを活用した「グリーン車Suicaシステム」が導入されている。

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