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I take away a railroad vehicle / the train which became the topic in here these days. This time is thae last part of this series. ①Express EC Train 475・457 series EMU It is the express type train which it appeared to be able to run at direct current 1500V / interchange 20000V, and to run different the electrification type. It possessed then facilities such as a buffet and green car. It ran in Kyushu until 2007 after it was converted into local train in 1980’s. ②・③Kha58 series DMU JR Kyusyu redecorated the truck train which ran overall in the various places in Kyushu in 2002 and let you renew it as “TORO-Q”. It was Kiha 58 DMU system that was ever ran as the express Dhisel car what was appointed as as a tractor. The truck vehicle retired in November, 2009, but the rail diesel car of the tractor is restored for the JNR rxpress painting , and it is traveled as group temporariness train until this August. ③Kiha220-208 DMU “Sea Side Liner” Color Kiha 220 type DMU was established anew to blue one color, and it ran until March in Oita. It is going to be service in Nagasaki,this month.

