Posts tagged as:


Cover Crop

April 12, 2011 · 0 comments

in organic garden

After 5 weeks of solarizing a plot, it’s planted with green manure/cover crops to build soil and boost health


Crop Rotation Farming

March 29, 2010

At Richmond Vale Academy we want to use a safe organic way to keep pests and disease under control in our vegetable garden. One of the simplest ways is planting your vegetables based around cro… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Hamilton Crop Circle Grant Proposal Video

February 28, 2010

Hamilton Crop Circle is located in Baltimore, Maryland and is an organization dedicated to green urban projects, including rooftop gardening, composting, food donations to a homeless feeding center… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Food Crop Seedlings With Minimum Space : Planting Bean Seeds

February 15, 2010

Plant bean seeds as early as April by using a greenhouse and preparing to transplant beans as they grow too large indoors. Get tips for planting bean seeds from a professional permaculture gardener… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Food Crop Seedlings With Minimum Space : Growing Kiwis In New England

January 12, 2010

Growing kiwis in colder climates, like New England, is easy with greenhouses and a system for managing male and female vines. Grow kiwis in New England with tips from a professional permaculture ga… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Food Crop Seedlings With Minimum Space : Transplanting Vegetables: Lettuce

January 7, 2010

Transplanting lettuce can involve splitting the young vegetables and helping them spread in planters before moving them outdoors. Transplant lettuce with a professional permaculture gardener in thi… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Food Crop Seedlings With Minimum Space : Soil Mixing Demo: Manure & Peat Moss

January 1, 2010

Mixing soil starts with well-rotted manure and usually uses peat moss to add water absorption and bulk. Mix soil for organic gardening with a professional permaculture gardener in this free video o… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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