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Frozen Colder temperatures mean that things will start to freeze in our part of world very soon. The centrifuge bowl is no exception. Whenever you initially start the centrifuge in colder weather it is a good practice to connect a steam hose to the feed tube and thaw the centrifuge bowl. Even when the bowl is not completely frozen it is still a good idea to warm the centrifuge bowl up for 10-15 minutes. The cold steel of the bowl will cause the warm drilling fluid to stick to the bowl, creating extra weight and torque inside the bowl; possibly overloading the gearbox, causing the trip assembly to kick out. A word of caution! If you are unfamiliar with steam and how to handle it, please get an experienced worker to assist you. Always make sure that the centrifuge is off and properly locked out, whenever performing any service. Ensure that you have a good quality steam hose free of holes which is not frozen. Securely connect one end of the hose to a steam outlet and connect the other end of the steam hose to the 1″ valve on the feed tube. You may need to apply steam to the 1″ valve to ensure that it is free before connecting the hose to the fitting. Once securely connected to the fitting on the feed tube, you may turn on the steam. Look for any leaks in the hose or feed tube assembly and repair as necessary. As soon as possible, close the 2.5″ valve on the feed tube to prevent steam or fluid from going down the feed hose to the pump. 10- 15min maximum is all that is


A Healthy Frozen Foods Diet!

December 17, 2009

Look on the label to make sure your frozen meal has around 300 to 400 calories and 800 mg (or less) of sodium. Round out your meal with produce. This clip is brought to you by Lifetime Television’… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Easy-Does-It Diet – Do-it-Yourself Frozen Diet Meals.

November 14, 2009

All The Convenience And Portion-control Of Expensive Frozen Diet Meals – But You Make Them Yourself, And Save! Eat The Food You Love, Feel Completely Satisfied, Spend Less Money – And Still Lose Weight. Easy-Does-It Diet – Do-it-Yourself Frozen Diet Meals. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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