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Nothing live was in the box, and luckily no crack in the envelopes, so mail day was a smashing success! Check out the fun and interesting things people send! Special thanks to the following artists for their generous gifts: Thank you!! 🙂 ps: Trolls can bite me. 🙂


Seattle City Council passes Do Not Mail resolution!

September 26, 2010 Fabulous news from the Do Not Mail campaign: Seattle City Council passes Do Not Mail resolution. Congrats to everyone who volunteered and everyone who values forests over junk mail Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Climate change, energy saving light bulbs and the Daily Mail

June 26, 2010

The modern florescent lamp was first conceived by Peter Cooper Hewitt in the late 1890s and they were initially used for large industrial buildings and photographic studios. This technology was later applied in the first commercially practical compact florescent light bulb (CFL) designed by George Inman and the General Electric Company. Although this development was […]

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