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Sustainable School Construction Project in Bembe, Rumphi, Malawi To contribute, please visit A sustainable classroom building, integrating appropriate building techniques, and sustainability education, is proposed to complement in-progress community efforts and to help meet unmet needs of a community in Malawi for fully-functional secondary education infrastructure for their children. The community, to-date exclusively through its own initiative, fiscal and labor contributions, is mobilizing its efforts to achieve infrastructure necessary for school opening. However, even with astounding dedication and effort, the community has struggled in finding resources to meet even minimal school opening criteria. While a traditional school project helps to improve the access of Malawians to educational infrastructure, the current method of building a school ignores valuable opportunities to integrate science, literacy, and concepts of sustainability into a development project. This project will seek to introduce replicable concepts of sustainable environmental practices throughout every interval (planning, construction, and operation). A local University’s Environmental Studies program and Department of Energy will collaborate with the project, offering technical assistance in establishing a model for applying appropriate and sustainable technology to rural development. The community is motivated to open their school and eager to implement appropriate best


From Hungry To Healthy: The Power Of Solar Energy In Malawi

December 6, 2009

After being nursed back to health from the brink of death, 30-year-old Flora, who is HIV+, is now a part of the Baptist Clinics disaster risk reduction project, supported by Christian Aid. Using s… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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