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崧明機械工業有限公司台灣Song Ming Machinery Ind.Co.,Ltd ,Taiwan PVC 塑膠廢料回收造粒機PVC waste plastic recycling plant-spaghetti type


SONG MING – PVC waste plastic recycling plant–spaghetti type-2

September 7, 2010

崧明機械工業有限公司台灣Song Ming Machinery Ind.Co.,Ltd ,Taiwan PVC 塑膠廢料回收造粒機PVC waste plastic recycling plant-spaghetti type Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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SONG MING – PS FOAM waste plastic recycling plant–two stage, side feeding, spaghetti type

September 5, 2010

崧明機械工業有限公司台灣Song Ming Machinery Ind.Co.,Ltd ,Taiwan PS 側邊入料子母機拉條式塑膠回收造粒機PS FOAM side feeding ,two stage, spaghetti type waste plastic recycling plant Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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SONG MING – PP LDPE HDPE LLDPE mini side feeding waste plastic recycling plant

August 19, 2010

崧明機械工業有限公司台灣Song Ming Machinery Ind.Co.,Ltd ,Taiwan HDPE LDPE LLDPE 小型側邊入料塑膠回收造粒機HDPE LDPE LLDPE mini side feeding waste plastic recycling plant Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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SONG MING – PP PE waste plastic recycling plant–two stage, side feeding, spaghetti type-2

August 18, 2010

崧明機械工業有限公司台灣Song Ming Machinery Ind.Co.,Ltd ,Taiwan PP PE 側邊入料子母機拉條式塑膠回收造粒機PP PE side feeding ,two stage, spaghetti type waste plastic recycling plant Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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SONG MING – PP PE waste plastic recycling plant–two stage, top feeding, spaghetti type-2

August 15, 2010

崧明機械工業有限公司台灣Song Ming Machinery Ind.Co.,Ltd ,Taiwan PP PE 強壓入料子母機拉條式塑膠回收造粒機PP PE top feeding ,two stage, spaghetti type waste plastic recycling plant Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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SONG MING – PP PE waste plastic recycling plant–two stage, side feeding, spaghetti type-1

August 3, 2010

崧明機械工業有限公司台灣Song Ming Machinery Ind.Co.,Ltd ,Taiwan PP PE 側邊入料子母機拉條式塑膠回收造粒機PP PE side feeding ,two stage, spaghetti type waste plastic recycling plant Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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SONG MING – HDPE LDPE LLDPE waste plastic recycling plant–die face cutting (two stage)-3

July 26, 2010

崧明機械工業有限公司台灣Song Ming Machinery Ind.Co.,Ltd ,Taiwan HDPE LDPE LLDPE 強壓進料子母機式模頭切塑膠回收造粒機HDPE LDPE LLDPE top enforced feeding ,two stage, die face cutting , water ring cutting waste plastic recycling plant Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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