Posts tagged as:

Roofs Inovatoare, tecnology de constructii de Stiinta & Emerging Tecnologies: Aplicarea construirea de economisire a tecnology inovatoare fortificată Insulated Concrete Forms Cofraje de blocuri termoizolatie acustic “rămâne” EPS SmartBlockPlus ICF pentru o viaţă mai sigur program de construcţie specifică de clădire echo compatibil, de design de amenajare a teritoriului şi de liniile directoare pentru a creşte o nouă casă de rezistenţă la catastrofe naturale de la teren sus. Toate regiuni ale planetei sunt expuşi la unul sau mai multe condiţiilor meteorologice extreme, cum ar fi vânt, incendii, inundaţii, grindină şi de cutremur. Într-adevăr, tecnology inovatoare de cofraje polistiren expandat cu densitate mare în blocuri termoizolatie acustice “rămâne” EPS SmartBlockPlus sau ICF asigura cel mai bun compromis de fiabilitate de structură în comparaţie cu tecnology convenţionale. Evidenţiază, de multe beneficii, care poate fi dobândită de la izolate, Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) de constructii. Noua clădire de proprietate de design cu nici o punte termica, energie eficienta “Green” panouri de polistiren expandat sunt complet de încadrare şi de sistem de izolatie pentru structura clădirii dumneavoastră – pereţi, pardoseli si acoperis. Cele mai noi generaţii de panouri izolate forme structurale nu-sandwiched. Tecnology de 100% reciclabil. Reducerea de aer condiţionat şi încălzire capacitate de 1 / 3. Reducerea emisiilor de gaze cu efect de ajutor şi în


It’s Greener On Top: A Look at Green Roofs

February 24, 2011

SECN student filmmakers explore the benefits of vegetated green roofs in urban environments and introduce Princeton Universitys first green roof installation and research project. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Weighing the Benefits of Green Roofs

August 11, 2010

For more tech videos, go to Throughout New York City, studies are underway to see if green roof adoption should take root. Supporters say putting vegetation on the roofs of city buildings may reduce global warming — and save money in the long run. WSJ’s Shelly Banjo reports. (Oct. 6) Enjoyed this article?More information […]

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UH Experiments With Eco-Friendly Roofs

May 16, 2010

A popular trend in Europe, UH’s agriculture department experiments with native Hawaiian plants which may one day lead Hawaii to having green roofs. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Green Roofs Part 2

March 5, 2010… Take an in-depth look at the installation of two green roofs on Penn State buildings and learn about the process and benefits of incorporating plants into your roof…. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Greensgrow Farms – Green Roofs Featured In “gardensmart”

February 9, 2010

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Green Energy : Energy Savings In Green Roofs

January 19, 2010

Green roofs offer ample energy savings, as the extra layer of soil and plant material absorbs moisture to prevent roof damage, keeps the building cooler and adds moisture to the air for a healthier… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Green Roofs In The Desert

January 2, 2010

Green Roof on the Transportation Center in Tempe, AZ Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Visions 36: Green Roofs And Murderous Melbourne

January 1, 2010

Can Australian native plants help save you money on your energy bill? Researchers at the University of Melbourne are examining the benefits of roof top gardens. Visions also goes behind the scene… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Green Roofs – Save Energy – Global Warming Action – …

December 10, 2009

Green roofs energy savings. Data from Chicago, Tokyo, California, New York, Australia, Toronto, Germany, Reduction of roof temperature, city climate, heat island redu… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Introduction To Living Roofs / Green Roofs – Bgtv

November 9, 2009

In this short video “Building Green” host Kevin Contreras visits the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin, Texas, and learns about the benefits and basics of construction of living roofs fr… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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