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sustainagility Environment, innovation, agility, business. Video of Patrick Dixon at Globe Forum 2009. Sustainable business and how green technology will help sustainability, climate change, global warming, water shortages, food shortages, transport, energy, fuel, cities. Future aviation, travel, rail, cars, tourism, corporate travel, heating, lighting, heat pumps. Solar cells, wind power, biofuels, alternatiive energy generation. Future of coil, oil, gas and nuclear power. Electric vehicles. Green living. Protecting rainforests. Why climate change and other sustainability issues can be solved. Costs of global warming action. Marketing of green tech. Open innovation and crowdsourcing. Leadership of business and government. Government regulation, politics and political agreement. Activists and campaigning.


Green Technologies – innovation and climate change – sustainagility

July 12, 2010 Green technologies presentation at UBS Wolfsberg by Futurist keynote conference speaker and author Sustainagility, Patrick Dixon. How innovation will reduce energy use and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Business case studies for carbon capture, street lighting, wind power, solar energy, electric cars, hydrogen cars, low emission cement, energy savings in air conditioning and buildings heating […]

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