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June 11, 2011 · 0 comments

in recycling

TAPPED documents how the bottle water industry is wrecking havoc on the environment and examines the role of the bottled water industry and its’ effects on our health, climate change, pollution, and our reliance on oil. Bottled water doesn’t just come from your grocery store. It comes from small towns across America where citizens argue their way of life and ecosystem have been disrupted as a result of corporations coming in and claiming ownership of the public’s water supply. With only 20% of bottled water containers recycled in the US, every day Americans dump 30 million single-serve plastic water bottles into landfills. Because of America’s poor recycling rate, much of our plastic ends up in the Pacific Ocean. Specifically in an area known as Plastic Stew – an area twice the size of Texas where the ration of plastic to plankton is 46:1. TAPPED highlights how everyday heroes have taken on the fight for our most precious resource – water. MPAA Rating: NOTRATED © 2009 Atlas Films LLC


Tapped Trailer

October 17, 2010

Tapped is a film that examines the role of the bottled water industry and its effects on our health, climate change, pollution, and our reliance on oil. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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