Recycle mobile phones and save the earth

January 20, 2010 · 0 comments

in recycling

This is a competitive world where several things take birth and die on regular basis. The same is true in the field of communication also. Users love to own new handsets introduced in the market. But, to throw out or disposed off here and there is not the right way to get rid of older handsets. Used phones must follow recycling process in order to save human life and entertainment as well. There are several companies which are dealing in the mobile phone recycling. Different known organizations are available in the world which are contributing towards phone recycling process.

The Recycle mobile phones organizations under the supervision of efficient engineers make better use of older phones. Older handsets get recycled properly and then sold to the user at much competent price. After repairing the older handsets, these organizations donate them to the poor or underprivileged sections of the society. Sometimes, different awareness camps are also organized by certain organizations. Through such camps, people can easily come to know about the useful measures to dispose the old and damaged handsets. Variety of mobile phones are blushing in the market. All latest gadgets come boasted with multitude of features. The most important component of any handset is its battery. It is well known that such rechargeable batteries are composed of harmful chemicals like toxic acid and other. In fact, these hazardous chemicals are really dangerous for the environment. So, in order to save the environment from these chemicals, phone recycling is the best step.

Most of the people doesn’t want to give up their older phones for free. They demand for money in-return of their damaged phones. And there are several sites available which can fulfill this demand of users also. Such sites take older devices from the user and gives money in-return as per the physical and internal condition of phones. Within five days, an individual can get cash in lieu of older handsets. This benefits both the phone user as well as the phone recycling site.

The process of phone recycling is very beneficial. It is perfect for such handset users who are habitual of getting changed their handsets time to time. By the process of recycling, users get two benefits. They get rid of older gadgets and secondly, they get cash in-return of older devices. There are several charitable organizations running successfully in the society. The main motive of such organizations is to facilitate the poor people in best possible ways. Under such charitable organizations, most of the people are unaware of what a mobile phone is? How it looks? And, how it works? Users can support such people by donating their older handsets. And it will feel good to donate used phones for social cause.

There is one more way of phone recycling. Most of the phone retailers are supporting the process of phone recycling. They come with recycle bin which can be used by the user to put down their old or discarded handsets. Such phone stores owe the responsibility of recycling of handsets properly. Under complete supervision of practitioner and experienced supervisor, gadgets get recycled for further use. Phones are an essential source for reusable elements which include glass, plastic, gold, silver, and coltan. And throwing old gadgets is equivalent to the loss of such useful materials. What they actually do? The useful components of the phone are kept aside by them and discarded or waste part are moved for recycling process. This is one of the best and effective ways of phone recycling.

Another step which one can follow to support phone recycling is the exchange option. Actually, in this step, users can get exchanged their older phones with new ones. Everyone needs handset for communication. In this method, one can swap one’s used phone with the needy person following the contract phone deal. By doing this, one can get new phone contract. Apart from these methods, several steps can be followed to support the process of phone recycling. Whichever the step is followed by the phone user, all are equally better than keeping older handsets in any corner of home or inside the drawer of cupboard. So, it can be stated here that, phone users should contribute in recycling of mobile phones to protect the nature from harmful chemicals.

Adam Caitlin is expert author of Telecommunication industry. and contributes her valuable thoughts for telecom industry readers. Get Latest Updates On Mobile Phones, Blackberry mobile phones and Other Offers Related Mobile Phone in UK, Visit

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