Climate Change + Crooked politics = Disasters like these (Sri Lanka)

May 28, 2011 · 24 comments

in green earth

Global warming is an issue we all need to be concern and be aware about, but in my community the politicians have taken it a step further, they are trying to blame almost every thing now on global warming In a case of poor urban planning, without addressing this issue which is really causing the destruction here, the politicians are simply saying Oh! Its global warming and nothing much we could do, but we are doing what we can, So they take in millions in public funding (through private contracts) to what they perceive as solutions, which in reality worsens the condition, thus guaranteeing the need for continues application of those solutions ***$$$$$*** All the while the environment and the people continue to suffer People around the world need to be aware of these types of behavior, which can really damage and undermine the real efforts to find real solution to global climate change issue I guess it also goes to show even behind the face of the good message; the wickedness and the stupidity of the humankind still lurks around, capable of causing serious destruction – Akarshana Amarasinghe

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