Top 5 Reasons to Choose Eco Friendly Products for Life

April 8, 2010 · 0 comments

in eco friendly

Ever heard the term ‘biodegradable’? We have all heard it in science classes, but most of us may have listened to it half-heartedly. Today, however, this term is whipping up loads of emotions all over the world. While a large section of the population is vociferously supporting the cause of biodegradable products, a few still believe that this is a case of much ado about nothing. When it comes to making the decision to go green by changing your lifestyle, most people are hesitant to take the first step. Many feel that it is a chore; others think that one person simply cannot make a difference.

If you happen to be perched on the wall regarding this debate, then, here are the top reasons why it is necessary that you take a pro-environment stand – Now!

Many developed countries like America and Europe suffer from severe consumption addiction. They use non-biodegradable products, which will never be recycled or reused. For instance, it is believed that millions of used mobile phones finding their way to landfills everyday. These phones will stay there for thousands of years. Products like Styrofoam, plastic, PVC and cadmium choke the environment. People have long been using plastic bags for shopping. It is believed that America alone produces billions of polybags every year. When you consider the total volume of plastic waste generated by the expanding populations of the world, you will realize that it is enough to make major changes to the planet.

Unfortunately, the majority of such wastes are made from toxic, non-biodegradable materials that release hazardous waste into the air and earth. By opting to switch over from plastic bags to environment friendly products like bamboo and hemp products, you drastically reduce the non-biodegradable waste in the environment.

Eco friendly products encourage and enable healthy lifestyles for people who care enough for the society and environment they live in. Thus, they encourage safe living for future generations.

Eco friendly products are made with fewer raw materials. That means there is comparatively lesser destruction of forests and trees.

Sustainable, eco friendly products are typically cheaper and they last longer. The cost of most products is dependent on the kind of materials used. However, it is important to remember that some organic products may be expensive because they are grown in a pesticide-free environment. Even so, sustainable products have a longer payback period and represent the correct use of resources.

Eco friendly products are generally manufactured in an environmentally sound process. So, there is less emission of toxic waste and harmful chemicals. There is also a significant reduction of waste in the production process.

There is greater variety in eco friendly products because they are made from materials that are widely available. Also, many of these products are ingenuously manufactured. So they have special textures, feel and look. Add to that the feel-good factor associated with doing the right thing and you have a perfect package of longevity, health and total return on your investment.

We here at provide you with variety of environmental friendly products at discounted rates.

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