Green Earth Technologies Organic Glass Cleaner

March 31, 2010 · 0 comments

in green earth

If you are looking for chemical-free products, then organic products are your best bet. Organic products are considered the best as these products are produced without help of any chemicals, which makes these products safer and environmentally friendly. Such products are also called green products as they do not harm the environment in anyway.

Green Earth Technologies Organic Glass Cleaner is a popular green product that surpasses every other product in this category in terms of quality and eco-friendliness. It does not contain any hazardous chemicals. The glass cleaner is easy to use and it leaves your windows sparkling clean without any streaks. This product is recommended for every person who owns a car. It is available in a 22oz spray bottle. Features:

1) The unique green formula of Green Earth Technologies Organic Glass Cleaner is successful in creating ultra sparkling glass and will leave your windows, windshields and mirrors sparkling clean.

2) The cleaning formula creates an invisible static residue that prevents dust buildup and accumulation of future dust. This feature gives the Green Earth Technologies Organic Glass Cleaner the ability to keep the surface cleaner for a longer period of time in comparison to other products.

3) The organic formula penetrates the glass surface deeply, and dissolves and gets rid of hydro-carbon soils such as oils, road tar, petroleum derivatives, bugs, sugars, tree sap and fats.

4) The Organic Glass Cleaner is ammonia free and leaves no film on glass.

5) Safe for Tinted Windows.

6) It comes with a satisfaction guarantee.

Green Factor: The glass cleaner is more eco-friendly than any other greener product in its category. The Green Earth Technologies Organic Glass Cleaner doesn’t add pollutants to waste water, and it does not contain any hazardous components as specified by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The glass cleaner is highly safe and there are no adverse effects seen when it comes in contact with eye and skin. The body does not show any adverse effects when injected with Green Earth Technologies Organic Glass Cleaner. It has been ranked “Ultimate Biodegradable” as per ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) standards.

Moreover, the container bottles are manufactured using at least 25% post waste recycled materials and the labels on the bottle are printed with water based inks. The plastic used in construction of the bottles is type 3 plastic that is widely recyclable.

Drawback: The Green Earth Technologies Organic Glass Cleaner tends to leave some streaks when used in 100+ degree weather and in direct sunlight.

Overview: The Green Earth Technologies Organic Glass Cleaner is an effective cleaner that will keep glass gleaming clean for a long period of time.

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