10 Home Energy Saving Tips in Magnets 4 Energy

August 6, 2010 · 0 comments

in Energy Saving

The Magnets 4 Energy e-book is more than just a plan for a Do It Yourself (DIY) magnetic generator. A magnetic generator uses the natural pulling and pushing forces to create the kinetic energy needed to spin an electric dynamo. The power produced can be used to supplement a home energy supply to reduce electricity bills.

However, there are many easy and simple steps you can take which will reduce your house power usage. The following are 10 energy saving tips as recommended in the Magnets 4 Energy manual:

1) Have better insulation – One of the biggest energy expenses for a home is on heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system (HVAC). Any steps taken to improve this area will reduce your home electric consumption substantially.

One method of reducing HVAC cost is to have a better home insulation. With good insulation, your home will have a better heat retention during winter therefore cutting your heating cost.

2) High energy efficiency appliances – How old are your home electrical appliances? Old devices tend to use more energy. Modern electrical equipment uses less power. It would be a good investment which will pay for itself in the long run.

3) Florescent lighting – You can reduce your energy bill by simply replacing incandescent light bulbs with compact florescent bulbs (CFL). Although CFL costs more, it uses 4 times less energy and last on average 8 times longer compared to an incandescent light bulb.

4) Reduce phantom power user – Some electric devices such as computer, TV, microwave etc use electricity even when it is on Standby mode. It is a good idea to just unplug them when not in use.

5) Reduce home temperature – During winter time, try setting your living room temperature a few degrees lower. The environment is still relative comfortable. If it gets too cold, just put on a sweater.

6) Use water efficiently – The amount of water used at home indirectly affects your household expenses. To save money, use a low-flow shower head to cut water consumption.

7) Replace filters – Some electrical appliance such as air conditioning unit or furnace has air filtration system. You can increase the device efficiency by simply replacing its filter regularly.

8) Avoid using batteries – When possible, try not to use any alkaline based batteries. Use the rechargeable type. They may cost more, but it is cheaper on the long run.

9) Buy locally – When you shop for goods made locally, you are reducing the amount of energy needed to ship the goods to your home. By buying locally, you save money because it is cheaper.

10) Walk or use a bicycle – Using a bicycle or walking does not reduce your home expenses directly. It does reduce your total money spent on energy. When you walk or use a bicycle, you save money by not purchasing any gasoline.

Will Yap is a home renewable energy enthusiast and writes about DIY magnetic generator on his blog. Do you want to know how to reduce your home energy consumption using a homemade magnetic generator? If you do, check out the Magnets 4 Energy e-book for the design blueprints and instructions. For a comprehensive Magnets 4 Energy review ==> click here

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