Bright Energy Saving Ideas

July 13, 2010 · 0 comments

in Energy Saving

Save energy, money and the environment by making a few simple changes around the home and to the way you live. By saving energy you will reduce your homes carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, which helps to fight climate change.

Over 40% of the United Kingdom’s man-made C02 emissions come from energy used in everyday life whether at home, in the office or during travel.

The energy we need for daily life is generated by burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas. These fossil fuels produce greenhouse gases which damage the environment and contribute towards climate change.

The average British household creates around six tonnes of C02 every year but by making your home more energy efficient you could reduce your annual emissions by around one and a half tonnes which would save you on average £340.

An easy way to save both money and energy is by being a little bit wiser with your water. A bath can use over one hundred litres of water whilst a shower uses only a third of that amount. Taking a shower instead of a bath means you use less water and therefore need to heat less as well.

Simply fixing any leaks and drips will cut water consumption, as does turning off the tap when brushing your teeth. A running tap wastes over six litres per minute so turning it off when not in use really does make a difference.

When you’re in the kitchen you can save water and electricity by boiling just enough water in the kettle for the cups of tea or coffee you are making.

Another handy energy saving tip is to wash your clothes at 30 degrees instead of a higher temperature. This will save you around £11 each year and also means your clothes are less likely to shrink or fade.

Heating your home is a major cost and uses a significant amount of energy each year. Boilers account for around 60% of C02 emissions in a gas heated home. If your boiler is more than ten years old then it probably isn’t a condensing boiler and therefore not as energy efficient as it could be.

Fitting a new high efficiency condensing boiler with full heating controls means you will use less gas every day, saving around 1,400kg of C02 each year as well as making you £275 richer. To keep your boiler working safely and efficiently and you should have it serviced annually.

When you go to the effort and expense of heating your home it makes sense to keep the hot air where it should be. Insulating your loft will help to stop the heat in your home escaping through and could save you in the region of £205 per year compared to an uninsulated home.

Adam Singleton writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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