energy saving devices – Savings of solar power

August 23, 2010 · 0 comments

in Energy Saving

Over the past few years, the alternative sources of energy saving devices and the technologies are doing better and the prices are coming down. There are solar projects that are cost-effective for heating the pool, getting hot water and warming the home as well. Given below are few common installations of energy saving devices:

Solar PV roof installation: For offsetting the use of energy with solar power, one needs an array of solar panel of 400-800 sq. ft (to output 4-8kW). In the United States, the average home uses monthly 750-900kWh at a price of 10¢ per kWh. The used amount can considerably differ with the high-demand system uses such as continuous running appliances or hot tubs.

Hot water system: A solar water heating system has a backup of electricity and rate of current electricity of 8¢ per kWh. When estimating the annual costs for solar water heaters, one should know the SEF (solar energy factor), your local utility rates and the kind of auxiliary fuel type used.

Solar home space heating: There are various ways small and large to tap into the energy of the sun for space and home heating. One can do anything from passive structures and installing heat-collecting windows, to converting walls that are south-facing. The heat is toed by the wall and gradually released later.

A major roof installation is a source of major power and is also one of the major expenses that should be planned often. An individual can tighten up the home with more energy-efficient and instituting the habits of new energy saving devices.

Get your own energy saving devices by building a solar panel or something similar! Follow the link below right now – energy saving devices

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