Energy Saving measures made simple!

August 18, 2010 · 0 comments

in Energy Saving

A number of Simple Energy Saving Measures may be adopted. All of which are capable of providing significant savings for the average homeowner with minimal fuss and expenditure.

Reducing Water Consumption Simple changing of your taps can benefit a great deal by reducing the water consumption, and fitting of diffuser systems can greatly reduce general water use.
Fitting of water displacement devices (often known as putting a brick in your cistern) on your toilet will reduce volume of water used in flushing, by reducing the toilets cistern capacity.
Changing your showerhead to a low water version, fitted with a water limiter, utilising the latest ‘CLICK technology’ may save up to 75% water to that of a traditional model. These are simple, easy and cheap to install and still maintain the performance of a power shower.
Reducing Electricity and Heating Bills Your home needs to be adequately insulated, particularly within the roof void. Environmentally friendly insulation such as Thermafleece should be used, as these have no adverse health effects.
If your home has an indirect hot water system, this will have a cylinder, (usually stored in the airing cupboard). This must have a ‘Cylinder Jacket‘, which can be bought for as low as £9.00, but which is most effective at minimising heat loss.
Install a thermostat, which allows greater control of your heating requirements, aiding to minimise wastage heat. Optimum temperatures are approximately 20-23 C; intermittent heating should be avoided, as this will require more energy to maintain a comfortable temperature.
Replace existing inefficient tungsten or similar light fittings with new energy efficient lighting, such as compact fluorescent lamps which use 25% less energy. Replacement of a traditional 60 watt bulb with a CF 15w range will cost little more than £1.00.
Reducing Waste and Recycling Make sure you are aware of the recycling facilities in your area, including where the local bottle recycling area is and other charity organisations, to take clothing items.
Follow the 3 rules, of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Avoid tempting offers like 2for 1 deals on perishable goods, ensuring you buy enough to meet your weekly demands. Unsubscribe to organisations, clubs, eliminating junk mail by registering for a mail preference service.
Reuse leftover food by investing in a composting plot in your garden, which has the added benefit of providing composting material.  Try and reuse shopping bags for other uses, and old boxes, anything which may have a differing use.
Recycle, by having a system in place for bottles, paper and cardboard and food, ensuring everyone in the household understands how to dispose of unwanted materials.

This article was produced by joeknight at

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