April 5, 2010 · 0 comments

in Energy Saving

With the credit crunch biting, we need ways to save some pennies. So Ariel has put together a vodcast to show you the small changes that can be made around home with minimal expense, effort and time. Think you are too busy to be green? Think again, the five minute long vodcast will be full of tips that take no more that 15 minutes to implement with some only taking a minute or two. You can watch them on your way home and put them into practice by the time you go to bed! Ariel has also linked with the Energy Saving Trust to sponsor Thursday 23rd October as part of Energy Saving Week, a link which is in its third year demonstrating Ariels commitment to environmental issues. Energy Saving Week is an event, designed to drive energy usage down in the UK and to promote significant behaviour change amongst all of us. Crucial to this is making energy efficiency at home simple, easy and quick to implement.

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