Obama 50days

March 31, 2010 · 5 comments

in green gas

** Obama is on track to spend more money than any person in the history of the planet. ** Obama and Pelosi’s stimulus bill was the largest spending bill in the history of the planet. ** Obama and democrats have already saddled America’s children and grand children with massive debt. Not that this bothers them. ** He’s lost at least 3 administration nominees due to tax fraud. ** He’s promoted a tax cheat to run the IRS and Treasury. ** He’s insulted America’s greatest ally, Great Britain. ** He’s reneged on missile agreements with allies Poland and the Czech Republic. ** His administration has already met with the murderous Assad Regime from Syria. Rescue workers and soldiers stand around a huge crater after a bomb attack that tore through the motorcade of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in Beirut, Lebanon. Investigators have linked the Assad regime to the attack. (SMH) ** Obama signed legislation to close Gitmo. ** Obama freed a dirty bomber from Gitmo to Great Britain. ** Obama told US soldiers and marines in Afghanistan, “We’re losing.” It’s a safe to say that Barack Obama could never have led America during WW II without surrendering. (Numbers from Iraq Casualties and GP) ** Obama’s VP told US soldiers and marines that US deaths will rise in Afghanistan. ** Obama has already discussed holding peace talks with the Taliban. ** The Obama stock market had its worst January in 113 years. ** The stock market had its worst February since 1933. ** The Dow has

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