What is Alternative Energy and Why it is So Important To Take Just One Step to Help Save Your Money And The Planet

July 1, 2010 · 0 comments

in green gas

There is a lot of energy that we can  exploit if we only seek to investigate and increase the technologies needed to do so. We have already acomplised an incredible amount of renewable energy from the research we already know. So hopefully we will be able to get away from the fossil fuels and the old electric grids by turning to alternatives to these energy sources.

One of these alternative energy resources is wind power. Wind turbines continue to be developed that are progressively more energy efficient and less costly. “Wind farms” have been springing up in a lot of countries, and they have become more strategically placed over time so  they are not jeopardizing birds as former wind turbines did. In addition they are not creating an annoying noise that nearby householders can complain about.

Another alternative energy resource is the one that is most well known: Solar energy. This involves the manufacturing of solar cells which collect and focus the energy given off directly by the sun, and translates it into electricity or, in some cases, a far better hot water system. As with wind energy, solar energy creates absolutely zero pollution apart from the pollution from maufacturing.

Ocean Wave Energy is seen by governments and investors as having enormous energy generating potential. A generator in France has been in action for many years now and is considered to be a great success, and Scotland and Ireland are running experimental facilities.

Hydroelectric power has been among us for a time and where it is set up, it is a powerful generator of electricity and cleaner than a grid. Then again, there are certain limitations to the availability of the right places to set up a large dam. Many run off the water from rivers but due to limitations on the whereabouts of the river this may not be as effective.

Geothermal energy is particularly abundant, since it lies directly beneath our feet, just a few miles below the earth’s surface. This energy is produced by the heating of water through the actions of earth’s fantastically hot molten core. The water turns to steam, which can be harnessed and used to force turbine engines which in turn produce electricity. Immense amounts of research and development need to be put into geothermal energy tapping.

Waste Gas Energies, which are in actual fact methane, reverse the usual energy-polluting relationship by creating energy from waste that lies in the dumps and from some air pollutants. This gas is used in fuel cells and can be used in typical gasoline generators.

Ethanol is a gasoline substitute and is created from such things as wheat, sugarcane, grapes, strawberries, corn, and even wood chips and wood cellulose. There is controversy over this fuel with regards to its ever becoming truly economical or practical except in very localized areas, but technologies for its removal and admixturing are continuously being refined.

Biodiesel Energy is created out of the oils contained in plants. So far, the commercial stores of biodiesel have been created using soyabean, rapeseed, and sunflower oils. At the time of this text, biodiesel is typically produced by entrepreneurial minded individuals or those who want to research with alternative energy, but thankfully commercial interest from companies is on the increase. Biodiesel burns much cleaner than oil-based diesel.

Atomic Energy is produced in atomic energy plants using the process of nuclear fussion. This energy is extremely efficient and can generate huge amounts of power. There is concern from some people about what to do with the relatively small amount of waste product atomic energy gives off, because it is radioactive and takes hundreds of years to decay into harmlessness.

We can all be part of the green revolution by each and everyone just  taking one simple step per day to save the planet. For example, walking to the shop instead of driving, changing your light bulbs to low energy bulbs, boiling the right amount of water in our kettles, pumping up our tyres in our vehicles to the right pressures, reducing our central heating by 1 degree, switching off unused appliances and turning off stanby lights, reducing water consumption in  flushing the w/c, the list is endless.

Why waste your money giving it to the utility companies? try a couple of steps above to save your pocket and also save the planet at the same time.

Natural Energy Solutions was brought about in the need for sustainable energy solutions, for more information on renewable energy please visit our web site http://www.natural-energysolutions.co.uk http://www.natural-energysolutions.co.uk/drillingrigsforafrica.html

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