Importance of Renewable Energy

August 8, 2010 · 0 comments

in renewable energy

Renewable energy sources, also known as natural sources of energy, are those which it is potential to utilize without diminishing the resource. One of the most vital components of any home that uses renewable energy is the house battery bank. You could have 1000 top of the line solar panels on your roof but without the battery bank, you’ll find yourself sitting in the dark during the night. Renewable energy covers a range of power sources such as wind, geothermal,solar and other energy which is fondly called green energy. Just think of being able to get rid of your electric bills, you would save tons of money while helping the environment. The realty is that you can totally transfer your household form the electricity company very cheaply.

There are a number of renewable alternatives to using the electric company which the government also agrees with and even offer you rebates and tax credit.

I would like you to learn my scheme that I use to generate enough energy to totally eliminate my power bill. My secret is a solar power generator which cost less than $500.00. Just could not keep this secret to myself as I am very passionate about the environment. For a very long time I was trying to generate enough energy for my home to get away from the electric company power bills. I would come across several methods that predict the world but only allow me mixed-up and with no power generator.

There are two sources of energy one renewable and the other is non-renewable energy sources to produce a secondary energy sources which includes electricity and hydrogen. We use this energy sources to generate electricity we need for our homes, businesses, factories, cars etc.

Two Sources of Energy:

-Renewable Energy – energy source that can be refilled in a short period of time. Sources; Wind, Geothermal, Water, Biomass, Solar

-Non-Renewable Energy – energy source that we are using up and cannot recreate in a short period of time. Sources; Oil, Coal, Natural Gas, nuclear

It’s incredible the excuses people will come up with to not generate their own electricity. The truth is that the process is proven, safe, cheap, and really does work. It’s time for you to step up and make a change that will help your family, your wallet, and the surroundings.

Jeff Sokol is an inventor and proponent of DIY Alternative Energy.

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