July 16, 2010 · 0 comments

in renewable energy

There is much talk of renewable energy (also called new energy or green energy) today and in the current economic crisis, consumers are seeking by every means to limit their spending. Renewable energy can contribute significantly.

To understand fully the concept of renewable energy, you should see a small idea of what the fossil: coal, gas, nuclear, oil and more generally all fossil fuels. The concept of fossil fuels is to consume these substances, usually by burning.

In the case of nuclear waste we produce potentially toxic, in other cases, it produces large quantities of carbon dioxide which permanently alters the atmosphere and oceans.

Worse, as the consumption increases , it diminishes the amount of resources and it is fast approaching a shortage of fossil energy as nuclear fuel .

In addition, the combustion residues are responsible for health problems such as asthma, bronchitis, respiratory infections, or allergies.

Green energy to help preserve the environment
Renewable energy is also based on finite natural resources because they are able to renew itself to regenerate, and they are widely available. In the new energy, there are technologies such as hydroelectric, solar, biomass, wind, geothermal, bio fuels and biogas.

By combining these resources with modern technologies, production of electricity is immune to the shortage of fuel and it produces a lesser impact on the ecosystem. In addition, after an initial investment which is not necessarily very high, these technologies can significantly reduce your heating bills and electricity.

The use of renewable energy is within the reach of ordinary people and is not an affair of state, or only for the industry. Among the reasons why you have to switch to renewables, I selected seven:

The most obvious is that you never have to pay electricity bills. If you produce the electricity (solar and wind), on your own, you will not have to pay. In addition, if you make more than your consumption, power company (or your electricity) will redeem all of what you have produced at a price significantly higher than the market price.
The investment to move to renewable energy may be high if you use an installer. But contrary to popular belief, using renewable energy is available to everyone. By doing your own work, you can start with a budget of 200dollars.
The timing is ideal. The world economy is experiencing major upheavals. By making your own electricity, you you’re immune to sudden changes in the world price of energy. Remember that a barrel of oil has exceeded $ 150 during the summer of 2008 despite a business climate already damaged.
The new energies are the energies that come from natural resources such as sun, wind, geothermal, river water …
With the rising scarcity of fossil fuels, you will not suffer a break unexpectedly. the uncomfortable situation of some countries who were suddenly deprived of gas for political reasons … This is not an exception, and parts of arm wrestling between states are held periodically.
Using renewable energy is an investment for our children and grandchildren. They thank us for having done so. Remember to give them enough gas for them to use their cars when they are of driving age.
If you work for using renewable energy, your home automatically takes the value of the day you want to sell it.
The use of new energy sources has become a national cause and many aids are available to help you make the transition.

Using renewable energy is by far not the only track to make savings. In particular, the thermal insulation of your home is the fastest, least expensive and most effective way to save energy. need more informations related to renewable energy you can visit my directory at:






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