What is Renewable Energy?

July 5, 2010 · 0 comments

in renewable energy

Non-renewable energy cannot be renewed but on the other hand, renewable energy is as its name states. It replenishes it’s self and will never run out. The UK government pledged a few years ago that 10% our energy will come from renewable energy sources by 2010 but it seems like this will not be realised.

Solar Energy

The sun is the main source of renewable energy whether it is directly or indirectly. Sunlight, or solar energy, can be used directly for heating and lighting homes and other buildings, for generating electricity, and for hot water heating, solar cooling, and a variety of commercial and industrial uses.


Wind is an indirect form of renewable energy driven by the sun. The energy of the wind is captured by wind turbines. Then, the winds and the sun´s heat cause water to evaporate. When this water vapor turns into rain or snow and flows downhill into rivers or streams, its energy can be captured using hydroelectric power.


Plants grow due to the effects of sunlight combined with rain. Biomass is another form of renewable energy harvested from the organic matter of plants. Biomass can be used to produce electricity, transportation fuels, or chemicals. When biomass is used to produce electricity, transportation etc. it is called bioenergy.


Hydrogen also can be found in many organic compounds, as well as water. On earth it is believed that hydrogen is the most abundant element on the Earth. But it doesn´t occur naturally as a gas. It´s always combined with other elements, such as with oxygen to make water. Once separated from another element, hydrogen can be burned as a fuel or converted into electricity.

Geothermal energy

Geothermal energy is one source of renewable energy that does not come from the sun. This source is tapped from the Earth´s internal heat for a variety of uses, including electric power production, and the heating and cooling of buildings. And the energy of the ocean´s tides comes from the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun upon the Earth.

Ocean energy

In fact, ocean energy comes from a number of sources. In addition to tidal energy, there´s the energy of the ocean´s waves, which are driven by both the tides and the winds. The sun also warms the surface of the ocean more than the ocean depths, creating a temperature difference that can be used as an energy source. All these forms of ocean energy can be used to produce electricity.

Other ways..

Many companies offer to supply ‘green’ electricity. Packages vary, so check exactly what you are buying, but they generally fall into two categories:

a green tariff – where a supplier will source a certain amount of electricity for you from renewable or low carbon sources a green fund – where a supplier will pay money on your behalf to environmental projects or renewable and low carbon energy developments

The law already requires electricity suppliers to produce a certain amount of their electricity from renewable sources. When you switch to a green tariff, check whether your supplier will generate renewable energy over and above the legal minimum. Only then will your choice lead to an increase in the amount of renewable electricity produced in the UK.


The Low Carbon Buildings Programme provides grants for a range of technologies that can be applied for online. If you live in Scotland, you can apply for a Scottish Community Householder Renewables Initiative Grant; or if you live in Northern Ireland, the Environment and Renewable Energy Fund Household Programme has been set up to provide funding.

Renewable Energy is fascinating and necessary for our survival.

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Anayo is an expert Plumbing and Heating Engineer. He has a keen interest in renewable engergy. He is an accredited installer for Worcester Bosch and Ecodan Renewable and Energy efficient products.

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