Wood Pellets – A Source Of Renewable Energy

June 3, 2010 · 0 comments

in renewable energy

Today the world is waking up to the use of wood pellets. Being a source of naturally rich biodegradable energy these pellets can be vital once gas and oil fuels have depleted. Here we talk about how wood pellets can be great as a fuel source.

Why it is renewable?

One reason why such pellets are a source of renewable energy is because they are made of wood. While the wood burns the carbon dioxide emissions are very less since the plant would have consumed it during its growing years. This is why even carbon dioxide fossils are being increasingly used in emissions in order to reduce the overall carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.

What are wood pellets?

Wood pellets are basically comprised of wasted sawdust in its compressed form. Today several countries such as Sweden, Northern America, Denmark as well as Austria employ the usage of this form of energy. Currently the UK offers a conducive environment for the use of such wood pellets. In fact these are being increasingly used here as a source of biodegradable energy.

Practical and inexpensive

The main benefit of using wood pellets is their relative ease of use, their cost effectiveness as well as being a source of renewable energy. Many hitherto touted sources of fuel like wind power, tidal power as well as solar energy have incurred criticism from many people because of their impracticality and expensive nature. However the beauty of wood pellets is that these can be employed both for electricity generation purposes as well as for fuel purposes.

On demand biodegradable energy

Another significant advantage of wood pellets is that one can derive energy from them as and when the need arises. This is in direct contrast to energy sources like solar power where it is dependant on the weather conditions. Best of all it is a source of easily renewable energy that is relatively cheaper than other energy sources.

Better than wet wood

Wood pellets can provide almost as much as double the energy as a wet wood form can! In fact just 1 kilogram of wood pellets can supply heat in comparison to a electric fire of 1 KW that has been on for over 5 hours! The way the wood pellets are used is that they are heated inside special boilers which one can use inside the home too. Even in large heavy duty industrial purposes this source of biodegradable energy can be easily used.

So on the whole, the benefits of using wood pellets is significantly large. Apart from being a source of fantastic renewable energy this wood is small in size which means it does not take up too much space. Therefore it offers good portability too! In addition it is a combustible item which has originated from nature itself. Therefore it is completely in harmony with the environment as well. It is therefore time that we as individuals started using this fabulous biodegradable energy source.

Michael Beikircher

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