Five Easy Things You Can Do To Live Greener Today

December 31, 2009 · 0 comments

in green living

We are a society of consumers with an abundance of choices and and excess of things. There have been vast changes in the lifestyle of the average person from a few generations ago and life is generally better. However, television, newspapers, magazines and other media sources are spreading doom and gloom about our planet earth, and all this can make a person feel overwhelmed and confused. Are the things we are doing today, effecting our health, our children’s health and the future of our planet?

Can you really do anything to make a difference? Absolutely! Here are five things you can do to easily live a greener lifestyle and save money too.

1. Consume less energy in your home. First, by turning off unneeded lights and switching to florescent light bulbs. Plug your televisions, electronics and computer equipment into a power bar, switch off the power bar when you aren’t using them. You can take it a step further by lowering your heating thermostat and raising your air conditioner’s thermostat.

2. Switch to natural, nontoxic cleaning products. Indoor air pollution in our homes often exceeds out door air pollution and is thought to be a major cause of breathing problems and respiratory illness in both children and adults. Take a walk down the cleaning product isle in any store and you can not help but notice the over powering scents and chemical fumes! Not only do these chemicals effect our health, they also pollute our natural resources. Using natural, nontoxic cleaners in your home is an easy solution.

3. Consume less water. We use this natural resource every day with out giving it much thought. Turn off the tap when you’re brushing your teeth, washing dishes and even when you are soaping up in the shower. Conserve water when you are washing your vehicle or watering your yard as well.

4. Switch to reusable shopping bags. First, simply save your plastic shopping bags, take them back to the store and reuse them the next time you go shopping. Better yet, you probably already have some reusable cloth bags that would be suitable, why not use them? Place your reusable bags by the door or in your vehicle so you don’t forget to take them with you the next time you need to do some shopping. Think about how often your family shops each month. This small habit will literally save hundreds of plastic shopping bags per person annually from going in to our landfills.

5. Drive the speed limit. Slowing down can save you 30% or more on fuel when driving on the highway. To avoid a heavy foot set your cruise control at the posted highway speed limit. When you are driving in the city try to avoid excessing idling. Speeding, rapid acceleration and then hitting the brakes all wastes gas and your money.

If you get into the habit of doing these five things you’ll soon be living greener, healthier and saving a little money as well.

Melody Thacker enjoys working part time with her Watkins natural products business, and is the author of the All Natural Cleaning Guide. You can get your free copy of this helpful guide filled with safe, effective cleaning tips and tricks at

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