Going Green and Giving Up All Those Chemicals

November 21, 2009 · 0 comments

in green living


the great living site – is for natural product for the home – for the kids – for the family – for gifts .. for anything and everything in your life ..

Five advantages of going Certified Organic:
1. Beneficial to the Soil – Organic systems use a modern yet scientific knowledge of ecology and soil science, while using traditional techniques of crop rotations to provide fertility, weed as well as pest control.
2. Beneficial to the Environment – Organic systems try to lessen usage of non-renewable resources. Organic production tries all the while to provide sustenance and supports the optimum handling of the environment and wildlife as a precedence.
3. Beneficial to People – Organic products have been proven to possess more vitamins, nutrients and cancer-combating antioxidants as compared to non-organic products.
4. Absence of artificial Chemicals – Organic products ban using the synthetic chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers.
5. Absence of GMOs – Certified Organic products do not GMOs (genetically modified organisms), as they are banned as per standards laid down for organic food and farming. You can buy something that claims organic or natural but if there is no certified organic label they can use genetically modified components.

the great living site – is for natural product for the home – for the kids – for the family – for gifts .. for anything and everything in your life ..

Five advantages of going Certified Organic:
1. Beneficial to the Soil – Organic systems use a modern yet scientific knowledge of ecology and soil science, while using traditional techniques of crop rotations to provide fertility, weed as well as pest control.
2. Beneficial to the Environment – Organic systems try to lessen usage of non-renewable resources. Organic production tries all the while to provide sustenance and supports the optimum handling of the environment and wildlife as a precedence.
3. Beneficial to People – Organic products have been proven to possess more vitamins, nutrients and cancer-combating antioxidants as compared to non-organic products.
4. Absence of artificial Chemicals – Organic products ban using the synthetic chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers.
5. Absence of GMOs – Certified Organic products do not GMOs (genetically modified organisms), as they are banned as per standards laid down for organic food and farming. You can buy something that claims organic or natural but if there is no certified organic label they can use genetically modified components.


the great living site – is for natural product for the home – for the kids – for the family – for gifts .. for anything and everything in your life ..

Five advantages of going Certified Organic:

1. Beneficial to the Soil – Organic systems use a modern yet scientific knowledge of ecology and soil science, while using traditional techniques of crop rotations to provide fertility, weed as well as pest control.

2. Beneficial to the Environment – Organic systems try to lessen usage of non-renewable resources. Organic production tries all the while to provide sustenance and supports the optimum handling of the environment and wildlife as a precedence.

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