Green Building Techniques to Save You Money Today!

April 6, 2010 · 0 comments

in green building  

Green building techniques aren’t just for new construction… they’re for every day home practice.  There are literally dozens of things the average homeowner can do to make his or her home a greener, more energy-efficient place in which to live, while at the same time saving money and helping the environment through reduced fossil fuel and electricity consumption.  And for the homeowner who’s about to undertake a new project or major appliance purchase, there are several easy green building techniques to be made aware of before getting started.

First and foremost, an energy efficient house begins with a good home building envelope.  The invisible seal between the inside and outside of a residence is also the wall between conditioned and unconditioned space, and this is where most energy loss occurs.  For every place that heating or cooling energy is escaping from a home, there’s an immediate opportunity to improve on the building’s envelope.  By sealing and caulking gaps or cracks in windows, doors, and attic structures, drafts can be reduced or eliminated.  Spray and expanding foam products are ideal for filling wall cavities between the inside and outside walls of a home.  Radiant barriers installed in an attic or home’s exterior walls can reflect thermal heat radiation, keeping heated air in during the winter and cool air in during the summer.  Foundation fabrics and waterproof membranes in the basement can keep moisture from penetrating the base of a building’s envelope.  These green building techniques are simple yet effective methods of sealing your home against energy loss, and they can be easily applied by anyone.  View dozens of other simple and immediate energy solutions at Green Building with Energy Star.

Other green building techniques are even easier, paying themselves quickly in utility savings.  Appliances purchased today all bear the Department of Energy’s yellow Energy Guide label with statistics and information about energy usage.  At the bottom of this label is usually the estimated annual energy cost for that appliance.  By comparing these figures against the features of each appliance, homeowners can educate themselves as to which models are greener and more energy efficient than others.

Additionally, the Environmental Protection Agency created the Energy Star program to label appliances and home electronics that go above and beyond the call of duty in terms of energy savings.  Meeting the EPA’s strict guidelines for energy efficiency, models displaying the blue Energy Star logo are usually 10% to 50% more energy efficient than comparable models of the same type.  This green building technique saves the consumer money over the lifetime of the appliance, plus the reduced energy consumption saves fossil fuels and limits the greenhouse gases released into the environment.

As if that weren’t enough, the US government offers incentive programs in the form of rebates and tax reductions to consumers who purchase Energy Star model efficient appliances.  These rebates vary from region to region and state to state, but they can be checked by zip code on Energy Star’s own website.  Green building techniques in the form of choosing the right appliances for the home are a no-brainer these days.

From boilers to hot water heaters, furnaces to central air conditioning systems, refrigerators, washers, and even light fixtures, saving energy through green building techniques is good for the homeowner, good for the environment, and good for the planet in general.  Green building should always be considered before making any major appliance purchase or before beginning a new building or construction project.

Although not affiliated with the EPA’s Energy Star program, Green Building with Energy Star is dedicated to strongly promoting the use of appliances and building materials displaying the blue Energy Star logo. Visit them today for the latest green building techniques and ideas!

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