Going Green with Organic Garden

December 3, 2009 · 0 comments

in green gardening

It is a good reason for organic healthy gardening. Risks to pets, people and the environment are just beginning to be understood. It takes a little planning to become an organic farmer. Typical garden problems need to be proactively managed as opposed to correcting them after they happen.Toxic chemicals and pesticides can build up in your system or have long-term effects on your health.  For example, pesticide exposure has been linked to nerve damage, cancer and birth defects.

By using the chemicals and pesticides, children and infants are at a dramatically increased risk for damage.  Children have excretory systems that are still developing that means that they are less able to rid their bodies of chemicals consumed. The chemical damage can alter the biology of their bodies permanently, causing problem. Tissues and developing organs can suffer when chemicals block absorption of nutrients. So, it is a best step to avoid chemicals and pesticides in your garden towards protecting the health and well being of yourself and your family.

You need to anticipate problems that you may encounter to frow an organic garden. From this way,  you can adjust your planting patterns and types of plants each year. From the  research to really have a successful organic garden. You  probably already know what to expect if you have had a garden in your area before. You may be able to predict that your garden will get fire ants and rabbits will make themselves at home. Preventing  problems will be easier if you  already know what you will be up against.

The key is prevention. Nature has a good balance of its own and over ninety percent of bugs will not harm your plants.  By using the simple organic solutions, it can help you keep bugs and animals that you do not want out of your garden.

For example, human hair spread around the garden will keep out rabbits. Meanwhile, lavender and basil deter ants and rosemary  will repel mosquitoes.  The way that you arrange your plants can help protect certain vegetables, too. Besides that, you can planted around  tomatoes and squash with garlic and peppers to protect them from harmful insects and rodents.

Finding the right balance of beneficial bugs and plants may take a little time and effort, but the fruits of your labor will be well worth it. When you have the right combination of plants, caring for your organic garden is as simple as watering. You will love and satisfied with your effort to organic garden and how easy it is to take care of.

Hanep is a blogger, free writer who wrotes thoughts, technology, internet, design and much more. He is also a writer of Hanep Blog, blog at AutoMagazined, the automotive blog, and Ohmobiles, the technology blog.

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