Purchasing a Green Home

December 5, 2009 · 0 comments

in green gardening

If you are environmentally conscious or are simply looking for a long term way to save yourself a bit of money, you might want to look for an energy efficient home when hunting for your next house purchase.  The reality is that there are a number of benefits to having an energy efficient home, and here is a look at just a few of the benefits and what you should look for when shopping for an energy efficient house.

Benefits to an Energy Efficient Home

Aside from helping the environment, the main perk to an energy efficient home is the fact that it will save you money.  Homes with energy efficient air conditioners and appliances can use up to 40% less electricity – which is quite important when you are talking about dealing with the summer heat!

There are also steps you can take to help reduce the amount of water you use without feeling like you have to do without.  If you are using city water, conserving the water can save you quite a bit on your water bill.  If you have a well, on the other hand, conserving water will save you the electricity used to run the well pump, and lessen the risk of the well running dry.  In some states you are also allowed to collect the rainwater from your gutters and downspouts.  This excess rainwater can be saved in large plastic tanks and used to water your landscaping during dry periods.

What to Look for in an Energy Efficient Home

When it comes down to it, it is the little things that help make a home energy efficient.  For example, simply having shade around the air conditioning units of the home can help them work more effectively, which will save you money.  Similarly, check to make sure there is no high grass or debris around the air conditioning units.  Grass and debris will restrict the air flow to the air conditioning unit, which will cause it to run longer and to work harder.

An energy efficient home will also have double-paned windows, which will help keep the cool air in when the air conditioning is running.  Ceiling fans are also a must in hot climates, as they will help keep the air circulating and cool.  In turn, your air conditioning will not have to work as hard.

When it comes to water, low flow showerheads and toilets are a good idea.  These simple plumbing additions can substantially help reduce the amount of water you use each day.

If you are a gardener, utilizing green gardening techniques can save you money as well.  First, you will not need to use fertilizers and pesticides, both of which can be costly and are not good for your health.  In addition, green gardening involves using plants that are native to the area, which means they will not require as much watering or care because they are properly adapted to the local climate.

When it comes time to sell your home, you may also realize a greater profit if buyers are demanding energy efficient homes and are willing to pay a premium for those features.

Crystal Guthrie is a top producing Realtor in the Austin Texas real estate market. She specializes in Steiner Ranch real estate and the surrounding areas.

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