Green Living will have you living in harmony with nature

November 15, 2009 · 0 comments

in green living

If you decide to ‘go green’ and were looking for several green living ideas you came to the right address. Below you can find some great green living ideas.

• One of the green living ideas has to do with transportation. Because we pump a lot of CO2 in the air these days, carpooling has become a great option. Fewer vehicles on the road means less CO2 output. You can also use the public transport or even better; go by foot or with a bicycle.

• Plastic bags in great amounts are hazardous to the environment. The production process is bad and plastic does not disappear just like that. Because millions of people use hundreds of plastic bags a year, you can probably imagine the proportion of this problem. By using the same bags over and over, preferably bags that are made from materials that do not harm nature when made, you can take your part in reducing the amounts of plastic bags that are being made.

• Energy saving bulbs. These are an easy solution for another problem which are the energy factories. Both the coal or other resource burning energy factories and the nuclear energy factories leave their marks on the nature. By reducing the amount of energy you use you can reduce the amount of energy that has to be made and thus reduce the impact of these factories on the nature. Solar panels are a great solution to generate your own power with as only source the solar energy which is totally harmless to the nature. You can also cut down on your electricity bill with it.

These are just a few of many green living ideas. If you decide to go green there are many other options.

Mel C writes about green living ideas and gives advice on green living ideas

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