Why cancer and how to avoid it

July 4, 2010 · 2 comments

in organic food

This is not my video: It was sent to me. Owner unknown. It has the name as it was sent to me. Canada, but the information regards the USA and every country where international pharmaceutical companies operate. The whole world? Big, immoral profit to cause the cancer and to treat it. Facts about the Cancer Society of Canada. I am sure will be the case in the USA and everywhere else: They do not use the money received from donations or grants studying how to prevent cancer or to disclose known data of what causes cancer. They create more profit treating cancer dangerously, with chemotherapy, or operation that as studies prove shorten most of the time the life span. What about prevention? What about disclosing this information? One in two people in Canada will get cancer. Twenty five percent of children get cancer today and the increase in case numbers during the last 20 years is alarming. What is causing this cancer thing? Food coloring in candies for one. Do you know RED#40 is THE MOST CARCINOGENIC coloring of all? Poisoned food: Preservatives; herbicides; fertilizers, among other substances used to treat crops are known carcinogenic. The world bees are dying. Without pollination crops, and vegetables garden cannot grow cannot produce fruits/grains. Countries with very low cases of cancer decades ago now par the United States and Canada. Many new diseases of the Western world have reached the whole world where Monsanto and its rich , powerful pharmaceutical able to buy the

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