VEV Invitation Founder

August 24, 2011 · 0 comments

in green living – Hi I’m Cary Ellis, founder of Virtual Earth Village, a place where you can make a difference. Humanity is standing at a really critical crossroads. Today, I believe as a human race on planet Earth, we are at a very large rapid in the river that is our movement towards our future. Because of this, I founded Virtual Earth Village. Just as beautiful as this river is, and I know some places in the world there are clean rivers, dirty rivers, and some need to be brought back to life. It’s more than rivers; it’s our path as human beings and it’s about making choices that bring us life. So we live on a really beautiful planet. Today Virtual Earth Village is an online community you can join and become a member where your voice counts and your voice matters to network and make a difference for the future of humanity. It is a green community where we can discuss and come up with solutions in our everyday life to help implement a better future for ourselves. Right now I’m reading “EAARTH” by Bill McKibben. He wrote “THE END OF NATURE” about 15 years ago. Eaarth itself is a little unnerving about damage we’ve created on the planet, what overpopulation is doing and how we really need to change and if we’re to have a future, going back to our local activity, locally grown food, local support in our communities. Many things we can do as individuals and we are in the rapids in the river right now. When you set up to go through a rapid, you go scout the rapid

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