Alternative Transportation

November 26, 2009 · 0 comments

in green transportation

Alternative transport efforts are more important now than ever. With steadily rising gas prices and an unstable economy, more people are turning to new ways to get around. It can take some thought and creativity, but there are many other modes of transport that do not require the use of your vehicle. Of course, seeking a new means of getting around does not mean that you have to give up your car for good. Even just leaving it in the garage at home a few days a week can make a huge difference in your gas consumption as well as how many emissions are being released from your car.

Bicycles are a wonderful way to get around while also getting a great workout. If you do not have a long highway or city commute to work, this can be one of the best transport alternatives that also enhance your health and vitality. If you would rather not do all of the work yourself, you could try a motorized bike. They go relatively fast and are incredibly efficient. It can make getting around in the summer time a really nice experience as well.

Though most people really do not enjoy hearing this alternative, it remains the best and healthiest way to get around. Walking should be something that people like to do. Instead, it is seen as a chore other than getting from one point to the next. Walking, jogging and running will keep your heart pumping and your cardiovascular top notch. Consider trying it even just once a week. Chances are good that you will grow to love it.

Car pooling is not a new idea at all. However, it is one that has gotten lost in the shuffle. Entire lanes have been created on freeways just for car pooling. It is time to revisit those days. There are even websites designed for finding others in your area or place of business that would like to car pool. It is a great way to save gas, emissions and share driving responsibilities.

The bus and the subway have been main modes of public transportation for many years. Don’t turn your back on these methods of getting around. Many people grumble when they have to take the bus, but it is a reliable ride that is guaranteed to get you where you need to be. A bus pass easily costs as much in a month as gas for that month or less. Many public transit systems are now looking at ways to run their buses in a green, earth friendly manner. It is certainly worth looking into.

Changes do not have to be huge in order to make an impact. In fact, most of the greatest changes are the ones that started out small and insignificant. Don’t feel like you can’t make a difference. If we do not all do our part, then nothing will ever change. Alternative transport options are only as limited as you believe them to be. Find out how you can make changes to your transportation methods and go about implementing them on a regular basis. You will be rewarded by your own great choices.  

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