Can Car Insurance Help You Save Money as Well as the Environment?

December 10, 2009 · 0 comments

in green transportation

It seems that as a nation we’re increasingly environmentally conscious about our motoring. However, should this apply to our car insurance too?

According to research from a price comparison website, the number of green car purchases rose by 70% in the UK last year from 10,000 to 17,000. Although they still account for less than one per cent of all Britain’s cars, the numbers are set to rise thanks to a series of financial incentives.

Not only do green cars emit at least one sixth less carbon dioxide than conventional vehicles, but they are more economical to run helping drivers cut fuel bills by around £165 a year. Road tax can also be slashed by around £125 and the greenest vehicles are exempt from congestion charges.

Nevertheless, despite the merits of green cars, it’s questionable as to whether we would be better off buying green car insurance.

Many providers have jumped on to the green bandwagon by offering products that contribute towards environmentally friendly initiatives and causes. You can now secure car insurance that offers carbon neutrality as high as 100% and some insurers specialise in offering policies for green cars.

However, many experts suggest green car insurance policies are little more than a marketing ploy by the providers and are often more expensive to cover the cost of environmental contributions.

If you want to make a serious donation to environmental causes you may be better off shopping around for cheap car insurance and putting the money you save towards a green cause.

Green car drivers should enjoy cheap car insurance because generally they are less likely to make short journeys and are more socially responsible. So if you want to do your bit for green causes shop around for car insurance – save your money first and then the environment.

LuckySeven is an author specialising in car insurance.

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