Car Emissions On The Rise

December 19, 2009 · 0 comments

in green transportation

Car emissions have been on the rise in North America each and every year now for the past while and it appears that most people don’t really want to pay attention to the issue at hand because more and more cars are on the road. The number one emission problem is CO2 and this is causing our atmosphere to crumble apart and it’s not good for anyone. Everyone needs to begin to realize that they need to find alternative means of energy to power their vehicles or they need to stop using their vehicles as much.

With gas prices soaring higher and higher each day it should help keep some of the cars off of the road, and hopefully some of the big truck owners have to keep their trucks in park while the gas prices are high. Millions of trucks are sold each year and they are causing the most CO2 emissions into our air and it’s causing the environment lots of problems which will cause us problems in the near future. If something isn’t done about the amount people drive then soon something catastrophic is going to happen.

Almost all of the car manufactures in North America have announced that they will be releasing some sort of alternative energy model vehicle throughout the year. There are different methods of running these vehicles on different energy sources and they are all a lot better for the environment. With gas prices rising so high it’s also a pretty big money saver for anyone who is spending hundreds of dollars on gas. With a green car that runs off of an alternative energy source you will save on the money you’d otherwise be spending on gas to run your vehicle.

The savings on gas over the long haul will be greater then the cost of the green cars being introduced to us and it means that buying a green car is the smart choice. It not only will help the environment for our children but it will also save us for having to buy gas off of crooks, who continually raise the price of gas.

Green cars are also not much more then your average priced car but they will cost a bit more then your usual car although the savings on gas are tremendous over the years. Some places also offer rebates if you buy an environmentally friendly car, so if you look into this you may be eligible to receive a few thousand dollars rebate off the purchase of any car that runs off of alternative fuels. Even if you can’t receive a rebate it’s still definitely worth your money to invest in a greener car which will help to create a greener tomorrow. These cars are built very well now with advanced technology and they can run for long periods of time now. When they first came out they needed some work but they have received that over the past couple years now and look to keep expanding upon it.

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