Benefits of Recycling

May 15, 2010 · 0 comments

in recycling

Recycling is the act of processing used or abandoned materials and using it as raw materials for new products. It becomes a civic necessity nowadays to recycle these wastes because of the shortage of the raw materials availability in earth. Studies show that the quantity of waste produced by the society seems to be much higher than by the industries. The governmental agencies classified these wastes thrown away by people into two types, the product related waste and non product wastes. The furniture and other durable wastes like glasses will fall into the category product related wastes. Other things like newspapers will be included in the category non product wastes. In simple words the wastes with a life period of more than 5 years will come under product related wastes and the products with life term of less than 5 years are known as non product wastes.

Why Recycle?

Industries and governments are dumping the wastes produced over the world as landfills or throwing away it in sea. As per the statistics studies by US EPA 4.6 million metric tons of electronic waste alone end up in landfills every year. These ewaste materials are becoming a big threat to the society nowadays. While these wastes undergo chemical reactions in landfills they are emitting many dangerous materials to air like lead, cadmium and mercury. More over the gas produced due to this waste contains methane which is prime cause of global warming rather than carbon dioxide. The generation of the wastes seems to be increasing at a higher rate with the increase in population all over the world. Even this is the same case with the developed countries like United States of America and Europe countries. In America alone per capita food rate increased by more than 50% over the past 20 years resulting in more than 30% increase in non product wastes.

Advantages of recycling

The major use of recycling is none other than the environmental protection. Recycling reduce the quantity of wastes dumped in the landfills and incinerator plants. The next major concern is the unavailability of enough raw material resources for our younger generation. Another important benefit is saving the vast amount of energy used up in producing new products in industries. Recycling is not an nonprofit business anymore. With the availability of online B2B portals the waste can be bought or sold from any scrap dealers all over the world at international prices. Get your scrap metal Business Plan up and running now with the help of the new technologies which brings you the needed information right into your hands.

scrap metal recycling is always been a profitable business. Buying scrap metal is not a difficult thing nowadays. With online scrap trading portals it is easy to find scrap around the world. Take your business to the next level with these online scrap trading portals successfully. Buy scrap metals directly from manufacturing companies without any dealers or middle man.

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