Environmentally Friendly & Affordable Home Improvements

August 15, 2010 · 0 comments

in recycling

It is a fact that the success of recycling is of utmost importance to our society and to make it really work, everyone needs to participate and do their bit. With kerbside recycling schemes being rolled-out across the UK, we are all becoming more aware of the need to partake in the three ‘R’s: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

When buying new living room furniture, whether it is cheap or expensive, the wood needs to come from somewhere and more likely than not it has to be shipped. Which not only increases our carbon footprint through transportation and declining trees to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen but also contributes to environmental problems caused by the effects of deforestation.

So then what do we do with the old furniture? We throw it out of course!

Mountains of waste are being dumped in landfills every year. Though we are all pretty well educated in the processes of recycling small items like aluminium, glass, and paper, how many of us realise just how easy it is to recycle larger items – like a sofa or armchair.

Of course not everyone is wholly concerned with environmental issues, cost can also be a contributing factor.

Many of us would like to change our homes the same way we change our seasonal wardrobes, but few of us can actually afford to. A recent survey (Carried out by Koan Ltd) to cast light on people’s interior tastes revealed that 60% of people could only afford to redecorate their homes every 2-5 years, even though the same percentage said that their tastes actually changed from year to year.

Luckily now, not only is there a more affordable, stylish and easy solution to instantly change the look of your home, but there is an environmentally friendly one too, enabling you to ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’. Rather than spending a fortune on this season’s fleetingly fashionable designs, or putting up with a shameful suite, you can give your piece of furniture a stunning new look using a unique service: Made-to-Measure Furniture Covers.

What also came out in the survey was peoples perceptions of loose covers. Many still think that ill-fitting floral stretchy fabric only your Gran used to own is all you can achieve. Made to Measure Loose Covers have come along way since the mid-fifties, there are now many modern and contemporary designs in beautiful chenille and cotton fabrics to update any style of interior decor.

There are even now covers for leather furniture that can mimic the new leather and luxury chenille combination designs coming from all the major furniture retailers, so your tired leather furniture can be transformed into the cutting edge looks of today.

Chris Plumb is the Online Marketing Manager for Plumbs who manufacture and supply; Loose Covers, Curtains & Furniture Re-upholstery.

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