Glass Artistry From Puerto Vallarta

June 7, 2010 · 0 comments

in recycling

Fine art takes many forms, and artists work in a vast array of mediums. Mexican artisans and artists who work in glass create some of the most distinctive and loveliest pieces, artistic and practical. Hand-blown Mexican glassware is distinctive for its vibrant, glowing colors and softly rounded shapes. While you are staying in a Mexican Vacation Villa Rental, it is well worth a visit to one of Puerto Vallarta’s many fine art and gift galleries to learn more about this particular local art form.

That Stuff is Hot
It is no small matter to create a work of hand-blown glass. The artist’s vision of the finished work determines what goes into the furnace. Many Mexican artisans choose to use some portion of recycled glass for their work; the load of glass goes into the furnace, where it is heated to approximately 1200 degrees.

Once it reaches temperature, a number of different processes and phases contribute to the finished product. A small portion of the fuze (molten glass) is drawn into a cane blow, an iron tube used to blow shape into the hot glass. Working first on the base, then on the body of the piece, the artisan must work quickly, as the material cools very quickly. The artist’s technique is the key to a beautiful piece. Once it’s completed, the piece is placed in a special cooling furnace for several hours to complete the process.

Bubbles and Confetti
The value of a piece of blown glass is directly related to its design and workmanship. If you want to acquire a high-end piece, it might be a good idea to work with an art expert. On the other hand, if you want something pretty and practical, a set of glasses with a pitcher or a blown-glass frame for a favorite picture, let your taste be your guide.

Many people look for Mexican blown glass that contains air bubbles, which give every piece a unique look and special twinkle. Items in clear glass are frequently available with a variety of brightly colored rims. And the colors in confetti glass cast a cheerful glow over any setting.

Mexican glassware is a perfect take-away from your vacation in Puerto Vallarta. Every time you use it, you’ll think back to the pleasant days spent roaming around town, using the comfort of your Puerto Vallarta luxury villa rental as a base.

The author specializes in writing travelogues, tour diaries and travel reports. He is a huge fan of Puerto Vallarta and all the city has to offer. For further information on Villa Puerto Vallarta and Villa Rental Puerto Vallarta please visit at

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