Green Apartment Living: How to Recycle in Your Apartment

April 15, 2010 · 0 comments

in recycling

Recycling is important, but first and foremost: Use less whenever possible. Don’t think you can’t make a difference by recycling… recycling just one aluminum can saves the amount of energy required to run a TV for three hours! Before committing to recycling, here are a few, fun facts that TGM Associates would like to share that will help you understand the value of recycling.

If everyone in the US recycled a mere 1/10 of their newspaper print, 25 million trees could be saved each year.  Recycling 1 ton of paper will save 24,000 gallons of water. If every household in the US replaced 1 roll of 1000 sheet bathroom tissues with 100% recyclable rolls, we could save 373,000 trees, 1.48 million cubic feet of landfill space, and 155 million gallons of water.

Recycling in an apartment complex is easy to do. Simply follow these steps:

This should soon turn into a natural habit, as instinctive as breathing! Your recyclable containers will include: glass bottles and jars, pop cans, juice and food cans (empty and rinse cans to discourage animal visitors), aerosol cans, empty paint and spray cans, plastic bottles and jugs,  tubs & lids, clean aluminum foil, plates and pans. If you’re unable to determine whether an item is recyclable, simply look at the label; there should be the standard recycling symbol, which will often have some type of information along with the symbol saying that the entire product is recyclable or that only specific parts can be recycled. Bring your recyclables down in a carry bin.  These can be paper bags, cardboard boxes, laundry baskets, etc. NO plastic bags in the recycling carts as plastic bags contaminate the recyclables. Take the recyclables to the “recycling station” in your building. It will normally consist of separate carts, usually located where the garbage is dropped off.

Easy and fun tips to try when recycling from your apartment:

Join Freecycle to give away unwanted household items. Expand your awareness and educate yourself about recycling so that the process becomes more efficient over time. Fertilize plants with crushed egg shells. If you’re buying bottled water, buy it in large jugs instead of individual serving-sized containers; you can do this with juice and sodas, too. Remember to bring your cloth reusable bags every time you go to the store.

Most apartments should have a recycling program in conjunction with trash pick-up.  If not, you can do one of two things:  You can organize a recycling program by getting your neighbor’s involved. Or, use cardboard boxes in your apartment to collect recyclables – consider one box for newspapers, another for glass, cans and plastic bottles, and a third for mixed paper (cereal boxes, cardboard, envelopes, white paper, catalogs, etc.). Bring your recyclables to your closest recycling center. (But, don’t waste gas! Combine it with a trip you are making anyway.)

TGM Associates is an investment advisory firm with a focus on multifamily properties. TGM acquires, sells and manages apartment properties throughout the U.S.  TGM strives to provide the highest level of resident services and quality on-site management as part of a continual commitment to provide residents with a well-maintained apartment community and a comfortable place to live.

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