Green Crafts-Recycle a Plastic CD Tub to Fashion a Practical and Perfect Storage Container for Free

January 13, 2010 · 0 comments

in recycling

Do you or anyone you know, such as your kids, spouse, or co-workers, buy packages of blank CDs to record on to?  If so, do not let them throw out the plastic and lockable CD tub they come in before you have a chance to show them and yourself what can be done to make a practical storage container for the garage, craft workstation, or many other purposes.

Like most people who buy packages of CDs for recording or backing up computer data, for years I too have been throwing out the cylindrical tub that they come in, in my case to the recycling bin outside.  I figured that as long as the tub was ending up recycled again in to something useful, that would be good enough.  Then it dawned on me like that proverbial light bulb going off overhead.  Why not make use of the CD tub as a storage container that is not only pretty durable, but is self locking when you put the top back on? 

This idea took root as I was reminiscing about the way my dad would take empty glass jars with lids and make practical and perfect storage containers in his garage by screwing the top of the jar to the underside of a shelf, and then simply spin the glass jar full of screws, washers, or any other small garage item on to the attached lid.  We are working with the same principal when it comes to the CD storage container by flipping it upside down to make storage use of what normally is the larger clear top portion.  By using a couple of small screws to easily pierce and attach the flatter portion to the underside of a shelf, we have a perfect storage container.  You can easily label the clear portion of the tub, but it really is unnecessary since you can perfectly see the contents.  What makes this CD tub better as a storage container versus a glass jar, is that the opening is much wider.  You will not have to struggle getting your fingers in to the jar to retrieve what you need, or dump the contents out to do the same.        

Whether or not you attach your storage container to the bottom of a shelf, think about some of the items you can store:

  • Beads
  • Gems
  • Craft fasteners
  • Screws
  • Nails
  • Washers
  • Paper clips
  • Rubber bands

The list can go on and on.  It is frugal, practical, and it makes perfect sense.  Use it in the garage, a craft workstation, an office, or any other place where you can find a need.  

Happy recycling!

Linda Johnson is a degreed and experienced crafter and interior/exterior decorating specialist, with years of experience helping friends, family, and clients solve their decorating and craft needs. Linda and her contributing writers invite you to submit your own great ideas for free, and also find tons more craft ideas and decorating projects like this with photos to try yourself

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