How mobile phone recycling can help people off the scrap heap

July 27, 2010 · 0 comments

in recycling

Which would you choose: money in your pocket or helping the poorer people of the world? Seems like a simple choice on first glance but if your wardrobe is full of clothes you don’t wear, the choice is perhaps more complex than it first appears. There are always choices, choices between signing up to give £2 a month to a worthy charity or saving that £2 a month and buying a new pair of shoes or jeans.

We should not of course feel guilty about spending our money on exactly what we choose and that’s why it’s great that rather than being asked to make this choice, we are given other ways to help people who don’t have any choices. Giving a small amount of money to charity each month is a great way to give without ruining a budget, as is either sponsoring a friend to take part in an event or being the one asking for sponsorship. Other ways include having a clear out of your wardrobe, drawers, kitchen cupboards and living room and giving anything you don’t need or want any more to the charity shop or selling it at a car boot sale and donating the proceeds to a charity that means something to you.

One way of doing your bit and really making a difference that has become popular and widespread is mobile phone recycling. It’s so easy and let’s be honest, much as we think we one day might use the phone again or sell it to put money in our pockets when we’re feeling the pinch the truth is that it’s likely to stay there until it no longer works and is no good to anyone. And by that time you’ll be so sick of it taking up space that you’ll probably just throw it in the bin and with it, throw away small amounts of precious metals such as gold and platinum and add to the massive scrap heaps which some people literally live on.

It’s not about giving money to charity and not knowing where it goes or what it can do, choose the right scheme and you’ll be told exactly what good you’re doing. For example, one scheme lets you know that one mobile phone in fully working order, no matter how old, scuffed or unfashionable, will pay for seeds that will allow HIV sufferers in Africa to grow food that will give them strength and allow them to lead long lives. This is pretty amazing when you consider that it might get you £20 if you post it off to a commercial mobile phone recycling company, a £20 note that you likely don’t desperately need but some in the Third World undoubtedly do.

As fascinating as mobile phone recycling facts are, what’s much more enlightening is just how far the money from mobile phone recycling for charity can go in the Third World – check it out, you’ll be absolutely amazed.

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