Making Money With Recycling

January 3, 2010 · 0 comments

in recycling

One of the easiest ways I think to get some extra money is to simply do some recycling. Depending on where you live recycling centers may be close or far away. Luckily my neighborhood is located about 15 minutes away from a really good recycling center. With the way that our society is changing, you can now almost recycle anything that you own or do not need anymore. Many local agencies are stepping up the efforts to help protect our environments and communities. A great recycling center will take: wood, clean dirt, car oil, rubber, cardboard, aluminum cans, glass, plastics, old cars, batteries, and electronics, amongst many other categories. Some of the categories will not pay. For example tree shrubs clippings that you may have along with old pressboard furniture will be chipped together to make mulch. This product is distributed and sold to local landscaping companies and unfortunately you will not get any money for donating old furniture or tree and shrub clippings.

Some categories you do get some cash for which are the ones that you need to be aware of. Depending on the time of year it is they will pay for a certain amount of clean dirt. I made a koi pond at my house and dug out a 12′ x 18′ area with some places 2′ deep and some places up to 4′ deep. Before just hauling it all away to the dump I made a call and asked if the recycling center was in need of clean dirt and to my surprise they were. I do not remember the weight when we hauled it to the recycling center but my total load gained me $150. Aluminum cans, glass products, and plastics are almost always paid for. If you are at a party or you are having a party one of the best things you can do is collect all the recyclables. On a weekly basis my household goes through a 24 pack of aluminum drinks and after a few months of that it adds up. Glass and aluminum pay for themselves in my household. Last month I cashed in on $52 for aluminum and $33 for glass. One thing that would be worth looking into is what plastics if any the recycling center will accept. I have not had any luck with plastics at my recycling center; they will accept plastics but not pay for them.

So if you can make money just by being a gatherer and collector it will help. One of the benefits is that you get some extra money in your pocket and you also can help the environment by contributing to the reusing of resources. Our government has created thee programs to give people an incentive to help and I see these programs not stopping in the future. You should benefit from making money through recycling as much as possible. An extra $85 a month is worth the simple task of just picking empty containers up and putting them in a bag for recycling.

Money Opportunities are something in these times we should not just cast to the side.How To Make Money Soon is a site set up to help everyone communicate and share money making strategies.

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