New Demands Bring Delicious New Trends in the Dog Food Business

June 1, 2010 · 0 comments

in recycling

Do you know what actually goes into the making of the standard dog kibble that you purchase and feed your dog friend on a regular basis? Are you sure that it is as nutritious as it should be and that it is also healthy. Is the Dog food that you are feeding your pet leaving it more susceptible to chronic diseases and even various forms of cancer? All of these questions are things that you should be giving some thought to if you currently are a dog owner.

Horrible True Facts

For years, dog food businesses across the globe have been using recycled restaurant grease as an additive in their products. This grease is loaded with unhealthy trans-fatty-acids that have been proven to wreak havoc on a dogs health. Also, Chinese dog food companies that export their product to the U.S. and Canada were recently found to be putting dangerous chemicals in their dog food that mimics the presence of protein when it was tested.

New Safer Dog Food

This means that you have to be more vigilant then ever when choosing the food that you are going to feed your pet. Fortunately, there are now dog food businesses that are actually interested in the health of your faithful friend and they are marketing dog food that is not only safe to eat but it is healthy as well. These same dog food businesses are also making and marketing newer tastier dog snacks that your dog will simply relish.

Consider Your Dogs Health

The fact is that trying to save a few bucks by feeding your dog cheaper, unhealthy, fat laden, corn meal based dog food will only cost you in the end. This is because, your dog will end up being chronically ill and you will lose out in the end when you have to pay the vet bills. Take a good look and smell of the kibble that you have been feeding your dog and then ask yourself how you would feel if you had to eat it every day.

Written by Francine Andreas. Find the latest information on Dog Food Business

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