Reducing, Reusing and Recycling Used Forestry Equipment to Save our Planet

June 26, 2010 · 0 comments

in recycling

Deforestation is causing a lot of problems across the globe. Demand for wood in American is very high. Our homes and businesses are built primarily of wood in America, Canada and Mexico. In order to meet the high demand for wood, forests which contain natural habitats for animals and endangered species of plants and animals must be destroyed.


Rapacious deforestation comes with a price. The oxygen supply on earth is decreasing while carbon dioxide and pollutants are increasing. Trees and other plants are the only natural way to clean the air. Mudslides and other natural disasters are occurring due to man made problems. Because most of the wood for building our homes comes from African and South American rain forests, we don’t realize the affects of our consumption like other countries do. For many Americans, the fact that there are consequences for our actions hasn’t quite hit home yet.


The results of several studies have come out lately about the affects of deforestation, quality of air and water, and chemical contamination in our consumable goods. Many Americans are finally waking up to the fact that our country is consuming too much, polluting too much and not doing much to reverse the damage we have done. A movement is finally underway to change the way America thinks about what they consume, from their homes and cars to food and entertainment.


Some companies are being responsible by going green whenever possible. American logging companies are starting to buy used, reconditioned equipment that consume much less fuel and spit out fewer pollutants into the air. Reducing and reusing is slowing demand for non-renewable resources like iron ore, copper and oil. Trees that are cut down are being replanted responsibly, which has begun to reverse some of the damage is done by the last 100 years of irresponsible logging.


Home builders are starting to use recycled materials, solar panels and reuse wood, glass, siding and steel from demolished homes. Homes are less lavish and more sensible in sized and energy consumption. Farmers are doing everything they can to reduce their dependence on oil and chemicals and are turning over a new leaf in order to grow organically. Their efforts are recognized and appreciated by customers. Companies that are making an effort are getting more customers.


If your company has the desire to jump aboard the conservation bandwagon, please go to I80 Equipment is all about saving the planet by reducing, reusing and recycling used forestry trucks, boom trucks, altec bucket trucks and other specialty equipment. Do your part to save the planet today, so our children can live well tomorrow.


I-80 Equipment is a full service provider

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