The Best 10 Cities For Recycling

April 19, 2010 · 0 comments

in recycling

Wonder which of the cities in the US won best recycling for the previous year? Want to know if your city belongs to the list? Well, below are 2009’s top 10 US cities when it comes to various recycling services and programs.

1. Fresno, California. If there is such a thing as go green act when it comes to recycling, Fresno uses another color in its recycling programs – the color blue. You can see these blue colors in Fresno’s airport and convention centers. This was after the recycling programs of the city were supported by the California Department of Conservation. You can place empty beverage containers inside these blue carts.

2. Fremont, California. Fremont, on the other hand, has launched its own recycling center known as Fremont Recycling and Transfer Station or FRTS. During the previous year, the FRTS was able to collect 14,000 tons of recyclable material including paper that saved around 180,000 trees and plastic soda bottles for the creation of at least 68,000 fleece jackets.

3. San Antonio, Texas. This city had listed at least 18 centers offering recycling services to its people. Some of these centers are Great Northwest, ABC, Longhorn, Citywide Metal, Oncore Metal and Toucan. These recycling centers accept a wide array of recyclable materials including scrap, metal, plastics, batteries, radiators and cans.

4. Burlington, Vermont. The city of Burlington also had its fair share of recycling programs. It makes use of Vermont Gas Systems, one that depends upon natural gas. It also has the Green Mountain Power which serves the region’s electric utility needs. Trash disposal, composting and hazardous waste processing is also done in Chittenden Solid Waste District.

5. Anaheim, California. Anaheim’s Public Works Operations Division takes charge of bulk of the recycling services for the city. It introduced Recycle Anaheim, a concept that blended yard waste collection with that of automated trash collection.

6. Pittsburgh, Philadelphia. Just like Anaheim, Pittsburgh’s recycling programs are spearheaded by the Public Works Division particularly that of the Bureau of Environmental Services. The bureau takes charge of providing a curbside trash collection for its locals and for non-profit institutions. Drop-off services are also provided for small businesses.

7. Jacksonville, Florida. Jacksonville also implements curbside recycling for residents and business institutions found in the area.

8. San Diego, California. San Diego classifies its recycling services into a variety of offerings – for residents; for construction and demolition; for businesses; and for schools. They also have recycling programs for special events. Citizens are asked to follow these rules as they have been enacted by the local government. Some residential recycling concerns are mulch, compost, yard waste and wood chips.

9. Madison, Wisconsin. Madison incorporated the latest trends when it comes to recycling. They have the so-called yearly Recyclopedia and launched the “Join Waste Watchers” program. They also see to it that Christmas trees are collected every year and they start their construction and demolition recycling as early as January 1.

10. Durham, North Carolina. Closing the top 10 list for best cities for recycling for 2009 is Durham, North Carolina. It also emphasizes on curbside recycling efforts. First, it makes sure that papers are not mixed with napkins or paper plates. As for newspapers, they can only be recycled if they are still dry plus these items should not be tied with plastic ropes and should be free from animal waste, paint or food. It also has separate rules for recycling of junk mail, paperboard, aseptic containers, gable-top containers, glass bottles, plastic bottles, aluminum, tin-cans, six-pack rings, telephone books and rigid plastics.

California must have pushed so much effort when it comes to its recycling programs. If you will review the list above, four of the 10 cities belong to the state. So if you want to see your city name on the list for 2010, make sure you start doing your act to save the environment.

This Article is written by John C Arkin from the contributor of PrintCountry Articles. More information on the subject is at The Best 10 Cities for Recycling, and related resources can be found at Printer Ink Recycling.

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