Why its Important and What Will Happen if You do Not Recycle Plastics

May 29, 2010 · 0 comments

in recycling

There are still tons of people don’t pay attention at all to the need to recycle and others do a so…so job of separating their paper. This means out of all the items being recycled not enough people recycle their plastics . So, what will happen if you do not recycle plastics? So, lets take a good hard look at what is happening in the recycle world now .

All types of recycling ins growing including that of plastics , but only a very small percentage of all plastics are recycled.The above statistic taken form the United States Environmental Protection Agency . This statistic says that only about 7% of plastics are recycled . And this is because not all types of plastic can go into a community recycling program. This means that if the question “What will happen if you do not recycle plastics doesn’t concern you, it should ,and these are the reasons why .

Only half of the communities in the United States have a recycling program for plastic, but even then each community decides on the type of program they want to support and the type of plastics they will recycle. Most of these communities only have curb side pickup, and otherwise want you to drop off your plastics at certain locations . Of these communities only certain ones will accept plastic bottles and leave all other plastics to be tossed in the trash.

What will happen if you do not recycle plastics
Ok, so now that we have established that there is only a very small amount of plastics that get recycled , now lets find out what happens to that plastic when we don’t ask the question: What will happen if you do not recycle?. All of this plastic ends up in the landfill ,these landfills are filling up fast with human waste, and plastic and this has a negative impact on our environment .

Just as recently as the 1960´sthere was only about a 1% plastic consumption and therefore plastic waste , and now it is about 12 %. A lot of this plastic is unrecycled plastic bottles and bags, and about 38 billion of those being water bottles.

What else will happen if you do not recycle plastics?
A lot of unrecycled plasticsbecomes litter on streets and highways too , which in the end costs more to clean up. This litter looks awfull and is also dangerous for area wildlife . These animals get their heads stuck in these bottles, or their paws, or something happens.

But the biggest answer to the question: What will happen if you do not recycle plastics? These plastics cause new plastics to be needed and created , which means more energy and natural resources being used to make new plastic items, which then get thrown out shortly thereafter again. For more information on answering the question: What will happen if you do not recycle plastics? come to www.helptheenvironmentbyrecycling.info

Lawrence is a recycling expert and writes about eco-friendly products that can help better the environment. You can see more on how to recycle and be environmentally friendly at www.whatdoesitmeantorecycle.info

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