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Creating an above-ground organic vegetable garden can be done in even a small space, so long as there are no chemicals or fertilizers in the soil. Use organic materials and compost to grow an above…


Garden & Plant Care : How To Create An Above-ground Organic Vegetable Garden

January 5, 2010

Creating an above-ground organic vegetable garden can be done in even a small space, so long as there are no chemicals or fertilizers in the soil. Use organic materials and compost to grow an above… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Garden & Plant Care : How To Create An Above-ground Organic Vegetable Garden

January 5, 2010

Creating an above-ground organic vegetable garden can be done in even a small space, so long as there are no chemicals or fertilizers in the soil. Use organic materials and compost to grow an above… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Garden & Plant Care : How To Create An Above-ground Organic Vegetable Garden

January 4, 2010

Creating an above-ground organic vegetable garden can be done in even a small space, so long as there are no chemicals or fertilizers in the soil. Use organic materials and compost to grow an above… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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